My Friend, St. John (Copy)
Growing up in a church named after St. John the Evangelist, I had an awareness of who St. John is and a fondness towards him. Out of all the gospel writers, I tend to prefer his poetic writing style, his use of light and other symbolic language. His writing captures my imagination, helping me better understand God's love and power. Throughout the years, I've become more familiar with St. John's various writings and emphasis on love, especially loving one another as the Father loves us.
Scripture reminds us that without true, self-giving love we have nothing. This is something I believe is worth striving for everyday. I can say hundreds of prayers, attend daily Mass, lead a life of virtue, etc. but without love and charity for God and my neighbor, all that work means nothing.
St. John is commonly named "the Apostle of Love" and known for referring to himself as the beloved disciple. I've often heard friends say this seems rather egotistical and arrogant.
But having older brothers, I sometimes imagine what life was really like with Jesus and the boys. Each of the apostles had different personalities and their own, unique relationships with Jesus. After traveling with Jesus, talking with Him on a daily basis, and learning from Him, I can only think they each had varying perspectives and opinions. Perhaps giving himself the title of "beloved" was the way St. John communicated and emphasized the role of love in his relationship with the Lord.
Each of us has a different relationship with God or way that we approach Him, but we are all equally loved by the Lord.
Mary Beth Keenan, @mb_keenan.15.
To me, the title "beloved" is not arrogant, but an expression of his love for Jesus and an example to live by. This expression of love was highlighted as St. John stood at the foot of the cross with the Blessed Mother. This love shown as he cared for her during that time of immense suffering.
As Mary united herself to the suffering Christ, St. John also followed in her footsteps, learning from the first and greatest disciple. It was through Mary that St. John witnessed and came to truly understand self-giving love, complete trust, and total surrender to God. Using Jesus' words, "Behold your Mother. Mother behold your son. ", St. John enabled humanity to look to Mary as our mother and our guide to her Son.
Let us follow in the example of my friend, the Apostle of Love, selflessly loving others and Our Lord, embracing our own personal relationship with Him, and always seeking the guidance of Our Lady.
Meet Beth Puleo
Beth Puleo is a graduate of Mount St. Mary's University and an avid blogger at pda: the positive disabled adult. She is a speaker, and childhood brain cancer survivor. At a young age, she became physically disabled as a result of cancer and told by doctors she only had weeks to live. By trusting in the Lord and through the love of her family and friends, she has learned that nothing is impossible with God. She strives to radiate Christ through her writings and her everyday life. Every moment is a blessing.